my life…..can it be true?

today is the 22nd april 2010.

at the recent easter hols, i took loads of photo’s, but yet again i havnt had time to scan them into wordpress. one day, one day.  my mom drove me and me kids back from birmingham after my dads flight was grounded. he had said that he would drive us back to newquay when he returned from prague. the volcano dealt with that idea.

when i picked my kids up from the “wicked liars” mothers home, there was a hand written letter from her. the jist of it was that on the 22nd april she was moving address!! that day is here. i never thought it possible six months ago.

i now have the chance to get in touch with the landlord and maybe return to my home.

what a victory that would be. someone i know said that where she has moved to is about 20mins up the road by car. will she get the friday school day sorted without being late? 

i have also had to make constant phone calls to the different government agencies about the help i am entitled to, now i am a offical single parent. it turns out that she has tried to claim the same things. this has slowed the system, and my kids suffer. typical.

the thought of being able to decorate the home i was so unjustly removed from back in june 2009, it is the icing in the cake. i have this imige in my head of me sitting outside the house, in the sun, with me kids playing outside. tunes playing, preparing the barbie, it’s gonna be fantastic.

i suppose i better start packing………

About daddyfumanchu

update: i got me kids back.... so there!
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